
  • Luana Maria Budaibez Ruiz Vieira FAMEMA
  • Márcia Aparecida Padovan Otani FAMEMA


Occupational diseases; Nursing; Health knowledge, Attitudes, Practice


Work is a determining factor in people's health-illness process, which can promote livelihood, health and well-being, but also result in accidents, illness and suffering. To analyze the understanding of nursing professionals about occupational diseases and how they can be prevented. This is a qualitative study that was conducted semi-structured interview with technicians, nursing assistants and nurses who work in the maternity and pediatric units of a hospital in the interior of the state of São Paulo. For analysis of the interviews was used the Content Analysis, thematic modality. Four thematic categories were identified: knowledge about occupational diseases, factors that influence the emergence of occupational diseases, occupational disease prevention actions developed by the professional and the institution, and suggestions for prevention of occupational diseases. The main occupational diseases presented are musculoskeletal disorders and psychiatric disorders and the factors that lead to their development include the precariousness and lack of maintenance of hospital equipment and furniture and the discontinuity of prevention actions offered by the institution. It is hoped that this study can contribute to the planning of actions aimed at the qualified supply of hospital equipment and furniture and those that can prevent physical and emotional damage to health workers.


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How to Cite

Vieira, L. M. B. R., & Otani, M. A. P. (2025). OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES FROM THE VIEW OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS. Revista Hórus, 18(01), 101–122. Retrieved from https://estacio.periodicoscientificos.com.br/index.php/revistahorus/article/view/1663


