Aspects of endodontic therapy with ultrasound application


  • Rafaela Silva Farias Sales Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia
  • Heloisa do Amaral Evangelista Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia
  • Aline Silva dos Santos Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia
  • Paulo Sérgio Rodrigues Araújo Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia
  • Eneida de Barros Santos Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia


endodontics; ultrasound; pulp chamber; root canal preparation; irrigation.


In contemporary times, endodontic therapy absorbed the development of new techniques and technologies, highlighting the quality of equipment and tips with ultrasound, enhancing indications for complex cases, with greater control and predictability of therapeutic success. Its use includes aid in coronal opening, location of root canals, compensatory and anti-curvature wear, irrigation of root canals, obturation, retreatment, removal of fractured instruments and paraendodontic surgery. The methodological strategy of thematic review was adopted, based on PubMed, SciELO, Science, Google Scholar, in the period between 1967 and 2020. Historical landmarks were discussed regarding the use and efficiency of the equipment, a process that contributed to the refinement of the endodontic technique (operating ease; reduction of procedural time; less wear on dental structures). Thus, the objective was to propose to discuss the efficiency parameters for use in the different phases of endodontic therapy. The evolution in the design of ultrasonic tips has facilitated access to pulpal calcifications, post removal and endodontic surgery. Cavitation, vibration and acoustic current are positive for root canal access (irrigation, obturation and retreatment), with more conservative preparations. It was verified the interference of ultrasonic vibration with pacemakers of clinicians and patients, fear of professionals in vertical root fracture and/or microcracks in retroprepared roots.


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How to Cite

Sales, R. S. F. ., do Amaral Evangelista, H., Silva dos Santos, A., Rodrigues Araújo, P. S., & de Barros Santos, E. (2023). Aspects of endodontic therapy with ultrasound application. Ciência (In) Cena Journal, 1(10). Retrieved from